Scarlet Alliance

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Scarlet Alliance Commitments and Complaints Process


Scarlet Alliance values feedback from our membership and is committed to resolving concerns promptly, within our capacity.

If you would like to provide feedback you can email

If you have a complaint about Scarlet Alliance or our work you can email

Please indicate if you are a sex worker and if you are a member please include your membership name.

Scarlet Alliance aims to:
- acknowledge receipt of complaints within three business days,
- resolve the issue or provide a response to your complaint within three weeks from acknowledgement, or
- when the nature of the complaint requires more time we will advise you of a date you can expect a response.

Scarlet Alliance aims to maintain confidentiality in regard to complaints however there are occasions when this will not be possible (particularly where a complaint includes another person) and it may be necessary for the information included in the complaint to be shared with them in order to provide an opportunity for natural justice. They may be offered the opportunity to respond to relevant allegations.