Scarlet Alliance

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The objectives for which Scarlet Alliance is established are:

(a) To promote the civil and human rights of past and present sex workers and to work toward ending all forms of discrimination against them;

(b) To lobby for legal and administrative frameworks which do not discriminate against sex workers;

(c) To challenge any government at any time when and where it implements legislation, regulations, rules, policies or law enforcement practices which are discriminatory and/or repressive to the rights and autonomy of sex workers;

(d) To actively promote the right of all sex workers to work in whatever area of their chosen occupation, including street, brothel, escort, private and opportunistic work;

(e) To actively work towards guaranteeing the right of all sex workers to optimum occupational health and safety provisions. This will promote conditions where safe sex and general health knowledge can be converted to safe work practices. Furthermore, challenge any legislation, policy or process which does not so promote the rights of the worker;

(f) To strive to eradicate sex worker stereotypes and stigmatisation in the popular consciousness and to communicate the diversity of ideas, opinions and aspirations of past and present sex workers;

(g) To liaise with international sex worker rights groups in the development of regional and international networks, programs and objectives;

(h) To support sex workers and sex worker organisations to become more politically active;

(i) To enhance the capacity of sex workers to participate in advancing their rights and build networks & organisations;

(j) To gather and disseminate sex industry related information to members;

(k) To play an active role in Australia’s response to HIV/AIDS;

(l) To provide training and education on issues relating to the Australian sex industry and the migration of sex workers into Australia; and

(m) To present up to date information on sex work issues at national and international forums.

These objects are undertaken in order to advance sex worker rights