Male Sex Work - Old media articles and archival materials
These articles are scanned PDF's of archival material. The links will download the PDF.
- Worker Boy Handy Hints 1994
- Steven Goodley "A Male Sex Workers' View" in "Sex Work and Sex Workers In Australia" 1994
- SIREN Comments from Male workers in the sex industry 1993 Published by NZPC. Link to Download PDF version
- Rams "Welcome to Rams" 1992 Toy Boy Times is the magazine for the Rights of All Male Sex Workers (RAMS) This is a once-off publication from a Sydney-based advocacy group. Pages 1-3
- Rams "Aims, Objectives & Demands" 1992
- Rams "Fred Vile" 1992This article is about Fred NIle protesting the 1990 Mardi Gras.
- Rams "Pos Worker" 1992 This page has an article by a HIV positive worker, and an article about PFLAG. )
- Rams "A Working Relationship" 1992 This article explores working in the sex industry and having a relationship.
- Rams "Mardi Gras" 1992 This article has photos and a write up of their Mardi Gras float in 1992, they claim the WORLD FIRST sex worker float in the Sydney Mardi Gras!
- Rams "Street Smarts Safety Tips" 1992 This article offers safety tips for street-based workers.
- Rams "Sydney Protests" 1992 These two articles outline the protests RAMS participated in 1991 and 1992.
- Rams, "Stewart Lawler interviews Rams Spokesman" 1992 This is an interview with Robin Svendsjaryd.
- SWAMP of SQWISI "From the Diary of a Male Sex Worker", Respect Magazine, 1992

Scarlet Men Disclaimer, August 2007The materials archived and showcased on these pages promote important male sex work peer education materials from Australia and the world, written primarily by male sex workers. Amazing, dedicated and skilled male whores have documented thoughts, interactions and knowledge to share with you. Scarlet Alliance does not own the copyright to any of the works contained herein - copyright remains with the original authors. If you are an author wish to update, contribute, edit or remove a piece from this site, please contact Scarlet Alliance at info @ with Scarlet Men in the subject. |
Updated 15 October 2007