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"International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers," Zi Teng, Dec 17 2006

紫藤 12月17日 國際終止暴力對待性工作者日遊行


This year is the Fourth International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers. There are different events organized by sex workers groups in different areas every year to commemorate sex workers who are abused and killed, urging the public to respect sex workers' human rights.


Recently, 5 sex workers are murdered in Ipswich in England, but the murderer is not yet arrested. This murder aroused great attention in different regions. Not only in England, the murders of sex workers are frequently found in different areas. For example, Robert Pickton killed more than 26 sex workers in his pig farm in Canada; two brothers killed 13 sex workers in 5 different provinces in China; more than 60 sex workers were killed in Green River in USA by the Green River killer, who shamelessly claimed in court that he does "not need to bear any responsibility for killings sex workers"; 3 sex workers are killed in Shamshuipo in Hong Kong, with the murderer of cases in Tsuen Wan, Taipo and To Kwa Wan is not yet arrested.


Sex workers are often exposed to unfair legal treatment, social discrimination and suppression by law enforcers, increasing their vulnerability to physical abuse and murder. Zi Teng is going to commemorate the murdered sex workers on Dec 17 2006. We hope that the public can pay more attention on sex workers' personal security, and stop all violence against sex workers.

由於警察的壓迫亦是性工作者遭受暴力的主要來源,我們將於當日遊行到中環警察總部,要求警方停止對性工作者的壓迫。此外,我們更會在當日公佈2006年警察對性工作者濫權7 大事件,有興趣參與遊行,請電23327182或e-mail至 與紫藤聯絡。

Since police suppression also brings much violence to sex workers, we are going to march to the Police Headquarters on Dec 17. We would urge the police to stop their suppression of sex workers. Besides, we will also publicize the 7 common abuses against sex workers by police in 2006. Please contact us at 23327182 (telephone) or (email) if you would like to join our protest.

日期: 17/12/2006 (星期日)

時間: 中午12:00

地點: 灣仔修頓球場 (灣仔地鐵站)

Date: Dec 17 2006

Time 12.00pm

Venue: Southorn Playground, Wanchai (Wanchai MTR station)


We will also join the anti-racial discrimination protest afterwards.


Please vote for the most unreasonable police abuse against sex workers, and send us your vote at before Dec 16 2006:

  1. 長沙灣警署張貼標語 “唔理堅定流、好或醜,總之殺到一個都不留” 之口號,無理拘控性工作者
  2. 李婉儀被警察放蛇誣告自殺事件
  3. 投訴警察課,自己人查自己人,阻止性工作者投訴
  4. 警察用手機拍攝性工作者的樣貌
  5. 警務處容許警員放蛇接受手淫服務
  6. 警署內酷刑: 包括除衫搜身、被毆打、禁止打電話等
  7. 警察在賓館,迫令職員打開住客房門,令男女住客赤裸在人前,誣告女性自由行旅客

(1. The slogan "arresting all sex workers even the innocent ones" is found in Cheung Sha Wan police station, encouraging police officers to arrest sex workers even with no reason or evidence.

(2. Li Yuen Yee committed suicide after being framed by undercover police.

(3. Complaints to the Complaints Against Police Office (CAPO) are investigated by police officers, who use different methods to make sex workers withdraw their complaints.

(4. Police photograph sex workers with mobile camera.

(5. The Hong Kong Police Force allows its police officers to receive free masturbation service during undercover operation.

(6. Cruelties in police station such as strip search, physical abuse, not allowing sex workers to make phone calls.

(7. Police officers force the attendants at guesthouses to open the door of the room, visitors are thus naked in front of the police officers. Female visitors from Mainland China are then generalized as sex workers and framed.